Kohler, PJ, Moreau, R, Alp, N, Godley, L, Freud, E (in prep) Symmetry has Dissociable Effects on Efficiency and Difficulty of Visual Search.
Samet, S, Iskandar, Y, Fukuda, K, Freud, E & Kohler, PJ (in prep). Symmetry Benefits Working Memory Representations of Object Orientation.
Maechler, MR, Choe, E, Cavanagh, P, Kohler, PJ, Tse, PU (in revision). Hemifield Specificity of Attention Response Functions During Multiple Object Tracking.
Moreau, R, Alp, N, Clarke, A, Freud, E & Kohler, PJ (in revision). Differential processing of reflection and rotation symmetries in visual textures.
Shams, M, Kohler, PJ & Cavanagh, P (2024). Deconstructing the Frame Effect. Journal of Vision 24(11), 8.
Kohler, PJ, Vedak, S & Gilmore, RO (2022) Perceptual Similarities among Wallpaper Group Exemplars. Symmetry 14(5), 857.
Boswell, A., Kohler, PJ, McCarthy, JD & Caplovitz, GP (2021). Perceived group size is determined by the centroids of the component elements. Journal of Vision 21(13), 1.
Sievers, B, Parkinson, C, Kohler, PJ, Hughes, J, Fogelson, S & Wheatley, T (2021). Visual and auditory brain areas share a representational geometry for perceiving emotion. Current Biology, 31, 1–12
Audurier, P, Héjjà-Brichard, Y, De Castro, V, Kohler, PJ, Norcia, AM, Durand, J-B & Cottereau, BR (2021). Symmetry processing in the macaque visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex.
Kohler, PJ & Clarke, A (2021). The human visual system preserves the hierarchy of 2-dimensional pattern regularity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288, 20211142.
Norcia, AM, Lee, A, Meredith, W, Kohler, PJ, Pei, F, Ghassan, S, Libove, R, Phillips, J & Hardan, AY (2021). A case-control study of visual, auditory and audio-visual sensory interactions in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Vision, 21(4), 5.
Van Rinsveld, A, Guillaume, M, Kohler, PJ, Schiltz, C, Gevers, W & Content, A (2020). The neural signature of numerosity by separating numerical and continuous magnitude extraction in visual cortex with frequency-tagged EEG. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(11), 5726-5732.
Barzegaran, E, Bosse, S, Kohler,
PJ & Norcia, AM (2019). EEGSourceSim: A framework for realistic simulation of EEG scalp data using MRI-based forward models and biologically plausible signals and noise. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 328, 108377.
Kohler, PJ, Cottereau, BR & Norcia, AM (2019). Image Segmentation Based on Relative Motion and Relative Disparity Cues in Topographically Organized Areas of Human Visual Cortex. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 9308.
Manning C, Kaneshiro B, Kohler PJ, Duta M, Scerif G & Norcia AM (2019) Neural dynamics underlying coherent motion perception in children and adults. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 38, 100670.
Kohler, PJ, Meredith, WJ & Norcia, AM (2018). Revisiting the functional significance of binocular cues for perceiving motion in depth. Nature Communications, 9(1), 3511.
Alp, N, Kohler, PJ, Kogo, N, Wagemans, J & Norcia, AM (2018). Measuring Integration Processes in Visual Symmetry with Frequency-Tagged EEG Scientific Reports 8(1), 6969.
Kanayet, F, Mattarella-Micke, A, Kohler, PJ, Norcia, AM, McCandliss, B & McClelland, JL (2018). Distinct representations of magnitude and spatial position within parietal cortex during number-space mapping. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30(2), 200-218.
Kohler, PJ, Cottereau, BR & Norcia, AM (2018). Dynamics of Perceptual Decisions About Symmetry in Visual Cortex. NeuroImage, 167, 316-330.
Norcia, AM, Pei, F & Kohler, PJ (2017). Evidence for long-range spatio-temporal interactions in infant and adult visual cortex. Journal of Vision, 17(6), 12.
Kohler, PJ, Cavanagh, P, & Tse, PU (2017). Motion-induced position shifts activate early visual cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11(168).
Kohler, PJ, Clarke, A, Yakovleva, A, Liu, Y & Norcia, AM (2016). Representation of maximally regular textures in human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(3), 714 –729.
McCarthy, JD, Kohler, PJ, Tse, PU & Caplovitz, GP (2015). Extrastriate Visual Areas Integrate Form Features over Space and Time to Construct Representations of Stationary and Rigidly Rotating Objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(11), 2158-2173.
Kohler, PJ, Cavanagh, P, & Tse, PU (2015). Motion-induced position shifts are influenced by global motion, but dominated by component motion. Vision Research, 110, 93-99.
Schlegel, A, Alexander, P, Fogelson, SV, Li, X, Lu, Z, Kohler, PJ, Riley, E, Tse, PU, & Meng, M (2015). The artist emerges: Visual art learning alters neural structure and function. NeuroImage, 105, 440-451.
Kohler, PJ, Caplovitz, GP & Tse, PU (2014). The global slowdown effect: Why does perceptual grouping reduce perceived speed? Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 76(3), 780-792.
Fogelson, SV, Kohler, PJ, Miller, KJ, Granger, R, and Tse, PU (2014). Unconscious neural processing differs with method used to render stimuli invisible. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(601).
Schlegel, AS, Kohler, PJ, Fogelson, SV, Alexander, P, Konuthula, D & Tse, PU (2013). Network structure and dynamics of the mental workspace. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), 16277-16282.
Kohler, PJ, Fogelson, SV Reavis, EA, Meng, M, Guntupalli, JS, Hanke, M, Halchenko, YO, Connolly, AC, Haxby, JV & Tse, PU (2013). Pattern classification precedes regional-average hemodynamic response in early visual cortex. NeuroImage, 78, 249–260.
Reavis, EA, Kohler, PJ, Caplovitz, CP, Wheatley, T & Tse, PU (2013). Effects of attention on visual experience during monocular rivalry. Vision Research, 83, 76-81.
Parkinson, C, Kohler, PJ, Sievers, B & Wheatley, T (2012). Associations between auditory pitch and visual elevation do not depend on language: Evidence from a remote population. Perception, 47(7), 854-861.
Porter, KB, Caplovitz, GP, Kohler, PJ, Ackerman, CM & Tse, PU (2011). Rotational and translational motion interact independently with form. Vision Research, 51(23), 2478-2487.
Kohler, PJ, Caplovitz, GP, Hsieh, P-J, Sun, J, & Tse, PU (2010). Motion fading is driven by perceived, not actual angular velocity. Vision Research, 50(11), 1086–1094.
Kohler, PJ, Caplovitz, GP & Tse, PU (2009). The whole moves less than the spin of its parts. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(4), 675-679.
Mala, H, Castro, MR, Knippel, J, Kohler, PJ, Lassen, P & Mogensen, J (2008). Therapeutic effects of a restraint procedure on posttraumatic place learning in fimbria-fornix transected rats. Brain Research, 1217, 221-231.
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
Caplovitz, GP Hsieh, P-J, Kohler, PJ & Porter, KB (2017). The Spinning Ellipse Speed Illusion. In Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions (pp. 170-173). Oxford University Press.
Tse, PU, Reavis, EA, Kohler, PJ, Caplovitz, GP, & Wheatley, T (2013). How Attention can Alter Appearances. In Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology (pp. 291-315). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Selected Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Kohler, PJ, Samet, S, Kahlon, J, Baker, N, Freud, E & Elder, JH (2024). Investigating Configural and Local Shape Processing with Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials. Poster at European Conference on Visual Perception, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Shams, M, Cutler, J, Kohler, PJ, & Cavanagh, P (2024). Comparing Shape Distortion in in Frame Effect and Flash-Grab Effect. Poster at European Conference on Visual Perception, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Movahedi, N, Ragavaloo, S & Kohler, PJ (2024). Does perspective-distortion modulate the temporal tuning of symmetry responses? Talk at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Iskandar, S, Lee, C, Bosse, S & Kohler, PJ (2024). Spatial Tuning of Visual Responses to Symmetries in Textures. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Ragavaloo, S, Movahedi, N & Kohler, PJ (2024). Brain Responses to Symmetries in Naturalistic Novel Three-Dimensional Objects. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Samet, S, Kahlon, J, Elder, JH, Baker, N, Freud, E & Kohler, PJ (2024). Investigating Configural and Local Shape Processing with Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Shams, M, Maloh, A, Kohler, PJ & Cavanagh, P (2024). Attentional Effect in Motion-Induced Position Shift. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ (2024). Investigating local and configural shape processing with steady-state visual evoked potentials. Talk at Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Jackson Hole, WY.
Shams, M, Kohler, PJ, & Cavanagh, P (2023). Spatiotemporal profile of flash mislocalization in the vicinity of motion. Talk at European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus.
Ragavaloo, S & Kohler, PJ (2023). Brain Responses to Symmetries in Naturalistic Novel Three-Dimensional Objects. Poster at Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Iskandar, S, Lee, C, Bosse, S & Kohler, PJ (2023). Spatial Mechanisms Mediating Visual Responses to Symmetries in Textures. Talk at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL. Winner of the VSS travel award 2023!
Samet, S, Iskandar, Y, Fukuda, K, Freud, E & Kohler, PJ (2023). Symmetry Benefits Working Memory Representations of Object Orientation. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Shams, M, Di Pietrantonio, A, Hatton, M, Kohler, PJ & Cavanagh, P (2023). Object-based Attention Measured with SSVEPs. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Samet, S, Iskandar, Y & Pierce, L (2023). Brain Responses to Symmetry during Early Infancy. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Shams, M, Kohler, PJ, & Cavanagh, P (2022). Flash Localization in the Vicinity of a Moving Object. Poster at European Conference on Visual Perception, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Moreau, R, Alp, N, Clarke, A, Freud, E & Kohler, PJ (2021). Differential processing of reflection and rotation symmetries in visual textures. Talk at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Norcia, AM & McCandliss, B (2019). Steady-state visual evoked potentials reveal parietal contributions to abstract numerosity. Poster at Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Kohler, PJ, Barzegaran, E, Davis, BE & Norcia, AM (2019). Encoding- and decision-related brain activity during a motion judgment task. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Norcia, AM & McCandliss, B (2019). Assessing Parietal Contributions to Abstract Numerosity with Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs). Poster at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA
Kohler, PJ, Meredith, WJ & Norcia, AM (2018). Characterizing late-developing binocular motion mechanisms in human visual cortex. Talk at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Meredith, WJ & Norcia, AM (2017). Neural responses to motion in 2 and 3 dimensions. Talk at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Cottereau, BR & Norcia, AM (2016). Cortical areas encoding visual segmentation cues from relative motion and relative disparity. Poster at FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kohler, PJ, Cottereau, BR & Norcia, AM (2016). Identifying cortical areas involved in perceptual decisions about symmetry. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Yakovleva, A, Clarke, ADF, Liu, Y & Norcia, AM (2015). Parametric responses to rotation symmetry in mid-level visual cortex. Talk at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ & Norcia, AM (2015). Does SNR of visually evoked BOLD responses change with rapid multiplexed fMRI? Poster at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA
Kohler, PJ, Clarke, ADF, Liu-Shuang, J, Liu, Y, Norcia, AM (2014). The neural response to visual symmetry in wallpaper patterns. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Harder, LH, & Tse, PU (2013). The influence of local and global motion on perceived position. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Caplovitz, GP, Fogelson, SF, & Tse, PU (2012). Neural correlates of perceptually bistable motion-based grouping. Talk at Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Fogelson, SF, Reavis, EA, & Tse, PU (2011). The neural basis of lightness constancy in the visual system. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Zafer, M, Reavis, EA, & Tse, PU (2010). The Ebbinghaus illusion requires consciousness of the inducers. Poster at Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 14, Toronto, Canada.
Kohler, PJ, Fogelson, SV, Reavis EA, Guntupalli, JS & Tse, PU (2010). The Relationship Between Multivariate Pattern Classification Accuracy and Hemodynamic Response Level in Visual Cortical Areas. Poster at Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.
Kohler, PJ, Caplovitz, GP & Tse, PU (2009). The whole moves less than the spin of its parts. Poster at Poster at Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.